Pavan Kalyan forthcoming film, which will be directed by Tamil Billa fame Vishnuvardhan and jointly produced under the banners of Sanga Mithra and Ark Media, is titled as Shadow. The movie is all set to be launched on May 6h at kolkata. Most of the film is planned to be canned at kolkatta itself.
Latest buzz is that the plot of the story runs between five different characters and Karma fame Shesh Adavi is playing an important role in the film and Tamil actor Sampath Raj is playing a Villain role. Sarah Jane Dias and Anjali Lavania have been roped as a female leads in the movie.
Film Nagar sources says that Pavan will be seen playing a Negative shade role for the first time in his carrier with this film. Though his experiments in his earlier films failed, Pavan keeps on experimenting on his films.
Latest buzz is that the plot of the story runs between five different characters and Karma fame Shesh Adavi is playing an important role in the film and Tamil actor Sampath Raj is playing a Villain role. Sarah Jane Dias and Anjali Lavania have been roped as a female leads in the movie.
Film Nagar sources says that Pavan will be seen playing a Negative shade role for the first time in his carrier with this film. Though his experiments in his earlier films failed, Pavan keeps on experimenting on his films.